Lifespa is an international development consulting company specialising in social policy with primary focus on education and access to justice in the United Kingdom and the Caribbean region. Lifespa’s mission is to cultivate productive citizenship and promote cultural, social and economic development.

We provide advocacy on the lack of proper resources which is one of the leading causes of educational underachievement, unemployment and absence of access to justice.We aim to have a common language and clear vision by intertwining the community voice with policies and decisions made on their lives.

We also deliver compensatory programmes by providing extra resources to augment government offices, business entities, educational institutions and communities and acts’ as an early intervention to help decrease the sediments that has caused negative impacts to the cultural, social and economic development of those communities.

Overall, Lifespa hopes to achieve positive and adaptive behaviour that would promote psychosocial competency for successful business, professional and community development as well as academic and personal lives to support to the Government’s strategies to break the cycle of deprivation, secure improved outcomes and create stronger neighbourhoods and communities.